3 Tips To Help You Store Your Bulk Diesel Fuel Longer

Buying fuel in bulk can be a great way to reduce operating costs. Unfortunately, improper storage can compromise the quality of your bulk diesel cache and cause you to lose money over time.

Here are three tips that you can use to help extend the viable storage time of your fuel reserves so that you can take advantage of the savings buying your diesel in bulk can offer.

1. Monitor Storage Temperature

The temperature at which you store your bulk diesel can have a direct impact on the shelf life of the fuel.

You don't want diesel fuel to get too hot or too cold. Exposure to extreme temperatures can lead to serious fuel degradation that will render your diesel reserves useless.

It's best to store bulk diesel fuel in a climate-controlled environment so that you can adjust the temperature setting as needed throughout the storage period. If you don't have a climate-controlled storage space, you can invest in a storage tank that is capable of maintaining a stable interior temperature over time.

2. Treat Stored Diesel With Fuel Stabilizers

If you know that you will be storing your diesel fuel for an extended period of time, it can be helpful to treat the fuel with a stabilizer. Fuel stabilizers help minimize the amount of degradation that occurs when fuel is in a stored state.

As your bulk diesel sits unused, chemical reactions within the fuel itself can compromise the combustibility of the fuel. Volatile compounds that are vital to the ignition process can also evaporate when fuel is placed in long-term storage.

The addition of a fuel stabilizer helps to delay unwanted chemical reactions and evaporation to maintain the quality of your diesel fuel for a longer period of time.

3. Invest in The Right Storage Tank

Having the right storage tank will go a long way toward extending the amount of time you are able to store your bulk diesel. The ideal storage tank is one that is just large enough to accommodate your fuel delivery.

A full tank leaves less room for evaporation and condensation to occur. Preventing evaporation and condensation is critical when it comes to preventing hydrolysis, microbial growth, and oxidation from contaminating your fuel supply.

If you need to store large quantities of diesel fuel, consider investing in several storage tanks to improve the quality of your stored fuel in the future. For more information on bulk diesel fuel, contact a professional near you.
